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link post  Posted: 17.11.09 21:34. Post subject: CODELITE cross platform IDE for C/C++


CodeLite is an open-source, cross platform IDE for the C/C++ programming languages (build and tested on Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Ubuntu 8.04/9.10, and Mac OSX 10.5.2). CodeLite is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2 license with an exception:

The exception:

The only exception is that plugins developed for CodeLite (other than the ones that comes with the official installer provided by the CodeLite team), are allowed to remain closed sourced and can be distributed under any license

News: Nov 17, 2009: CodeLite 2.0 - is here.

* Release highlights for the coming codelite 2.0 major version:
o UI Improvements
o New 'Finder' - search anything (class, file, struct, function etc) from a single location
o Faster, smarter and more accurate code-completion
o Debugger plugin re-written - debug with gdb like never before, complex tooltips (VS style), recursive auto-dereferencing, view wide chars and more
o (Windows Only) Single installer with GCC4.4.0 (official release) + wxWidgets2.8.10 (Optional)
o Many bugs were fixed



Be the first ones to test this new update!

(But I prefer Codeblocks 8.02 and WxDev-C++ . No harm trying new IDE/s)

Say thanks!: 1 
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